Dec 29, 2020
Let's face it - No one* ever became rich skipping out on that daily latte, buying generic instead of brand name, skipping the Avocado Toast for breakfast, or any one of the myriad of financial advice "tips" you may encounter on the Internet.
On the Avocado Toast Podcast - We try to capture the big ticket items that can...
Dec 22, 2020
In this episode Eric and Matt talk stock picking, the markets and how stocks trade, market timing, "play accounts" and much more!
Dec 15, 2020
The 401(k) plan is one of the most common employee benefits offered by small, medium, and large employers alike. In this episode Eric and Matt discover some of the fundamentals of 401(k) plans including:
Dec 8, 2020
Presidential elections receive enormous amounts of media attention, and associated economic and stock market analysis. In this episode Eric and Matt discuss:
Dec 1, 2020
Whether you are a recent newlywed, planning on getting married soon, or have been married for a long time but feel your relationship with your spouse when it comes to money can be improved, this episode is for you! Learn healthy money habits and tips from Eric and Matt that you can implement in your relationship. There...